Embracing The Good Life
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Isaiah 40:31 Inspirational Scripture

Isaiah 40:31

This spoke to me today.

I think that sometimes we neglect to realize that our greatest resource in everything we face, everything we do, and everything we are, stems from our faith and devotion in our Lord Jesus Christ. When times are hard or when we feel lost He is there to guide us.

As of late I’ve had some struggles with my health that have been very humbling. I’ve had a back injury that has left me unable to work or care for my family. Some days are better than others…and some days are just plain painful. It’s very hard, for me at least, to admit when I’m physically incapable of doing things for myself because I just can’t ‘toughin up’ and carry on. However, when I came across this verse it really stood out to me.

Isaiah 40:31

Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength,

they will soar on wings like eagles;

they will run and not grow weary,

they will walk and not be faint.

I know that the Lord our God gives us strength when we are weak. It’s that feeling deep inside when you think there is nothing left you can possibly give and yet you reach down and find the will to give some more. That is the power of God! The promise that all of our problems are a test to our faith and that one day we will be greatly rewarded. That if He places these challenges before us that He will see us through them with his unconditional love and guidance. That is the greatness of our Lord!

No matter how big or small a problem maybe, it can be overcome. Sometimes it’s easier to say that then to actually believe it…but it’s true. I have faith that I will be healed and resume a normal lifestyle where I can continue to work and pickup my babies. I know in my heart that even though I feel pain, that God is giving me strength to go on. When I feel overwhelmed I turn to prayer and ask the Lord to relieve my anxieties. He comforts me!

And I know that soon I will run and not grow weary

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