Embracing The Good Life
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Five Frugal Things | Ahh, that’s better

1. I cut a new neckline

I bought this inexpensive shirt last summer because I needed something very PINK to wear to the Barbie movie with Zoe.

But I have never really liked how the neckline of it feels. I don’t know if I have some sort of sensory issue but often crew necks sorta make me feel like I’m choking (ok, not actually, but you get my drift).

So I took a pair of scissors to the neckline.

scissors on a wood floor.Kristen in a pink shirt with a larger neckline.

Once I put it through the wash, the raw edge of the neck curled up just like the raw edges of the sleeves do. Yay!

pink shirt.

2. I invested in some more Sophico lids

I do love my Pyrex containers.

BUT…..you know how those original Pyrex lids tend to crack over time, even if you are fastidious about hand washing them?

Well, that happened to another one of mine this week.

I never buy Pyrex’s replacement lids when that happens because I know they will just crack again. Instead, I buy Sophico brand silicone lids. They are flexible and durable and I have never, ever had one break on me.

aqua sophico lids for pyrex.

I ordered a two-pack for $12, and now I’m good to go. That’s a little more expensive than the regular Pyrex replacement lids, but it is totally worth it to me. I’d rather pay slightly more and never have to replace them again.

Also: I am beyond excited to see that Sophico now makes the rectangular lids too! That did not use to be the case, and I am 1000% going to buy some when my current rectangular ones give out on me.

(I know other brands make silicone lids, and maybe they are fine too. But Sophico is the only brand I’ve ever tried, and I love their lids so much, I’ve never been tempted to try another brand. And no, I’m not sponsored; Sophico does not know I exist, except as a happy and anonymous customer. 😉 )

3. I used up some Dinnerly odds and ends

You know how I ordered some Dinnerly boxes during my crazy December last year?

inside of a Dinnerly delivery box.

Well, there were a couple of meals I didn’t even get around to making (that’s how you know life was busy!), so I had a few random shelf-stable ingredients still sitting around.

I used a little packet of curry powder to make some curried chicken salad for lunch one day.

I used a package of pasta to make dinner, plus lunch for a hospital shift.

And I used a little container of ranch dressing on one of my salads.

green salad with shrimp.

4. I picked wineberries in my backyard

Wineberry plants are an invasive species, but they do produce copious amounts of edible berries. So I can’t complain too much.

berries on yogurt.

I ate them on cottage cheese.

berries on cottage cheese.

And also on yogurt.

berries and chia seeds on yogurt.

And also just by the handful.

bowl of wineberries.

5. I….

  • canceled my Panera unlimited sip club membership because my reduced price period was over
  • made a little cup of iced herbal chai and used my rescued honey to sweeten it

jar of iced chai.

  • opted for slower shipping on Amazon to get a $1 credit
  • used a welcome offer to get a discount on some protein powder that Ben recommended to me

Your turn! What frugal things have you been up to lately?

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