Embracing The Good Life
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WIS, WWA | all new to me!

What I Spent

This is my first time having an actual-factual job since…1998. So I am doing some serious adjusting!

I spent:

  • $32 at Trader Joe’s
  • $6 at Safeway
  • $32 at Aldi

And that makes $70 even.

What We Ate


I worked my overnight shift the night before, so I was pretty tired at dinnertime. This is when I picked up that free rotisserie chicken, which I ate with some kale salad I’d made previously (mentioned in this week’s Five Frugal Things!).

kale and chicken salad.


Zoe extended her shift until close at work, so it was just me here for dinner. I made a salad with sauteed shrimp as the protein.

green salad with shrimp.


I ate a late lunch after a morning spent at the hospital (more orientation. I am SO oriented now.) and I wasn’t hungry at dinnertime.

Zoe was, though, and she ate pizzas made on the mini naan leftover from last week’s tikka masala.

mini naan pizza.


Zoe was at work, so after I came home from a 7 am – 7:30 pm shift, I sauteed a sliced red pepper and a tilapia fillet, and ate some cheese ravioli on the side before I showered and went to bed.

I am discovering that there’s really not a whole lot of time to do anything after a 12-hour shift, especially if it’s followed immediately by another one!


I worked a second 12-hour shift that day. I did such a good job of packing healthy lunches for my back-to-back shifts:

packed lunch in glass container.

And on Tuesday night when I came home, I did a good job of eating protein and veggies too.

Buuuuuuut by the time I got home on Wednesday, I was all out of energy to make very nutritious choices.

tired Kristen.

I really am so happy at my job even if the shifts are making me pretty tired. 🙂

So my tired self ate a bowl of ravioli with tomato sauce, and chased it with two cinnamon rolls. Ha. No produce in sight.

Overnight Cinnamon Rolls Story Poster Image

I think what I have learned from my first week is that I should prep both lunch AND dinner before a string of shifts.

prepped lunch in a fridge.

My prepped lunch, waiting to go into the lunch bag

But I’m giving myself an A grade for how I navigated the first 70 hours, and I know I’ll get better at this the more I do it. 🙂


I made some panko-breaded chicken fingers, which we ate on green salads.


Zoe’s gonna be at a birthday party, so I’m only feeding me! I’ll poke through my fridge and see what needs to be used up. I have a lot of ripe avocados so maybe some kind of tostada, spread with mashed avocado on the shell?

What did you have for dinner this week?

The post WIS, WWA | all new to me! appeared first on The Frugal Girl.

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