Embracing The Good Life
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Thankful Thursday | goodbye, steroids!

This week, I am thankful:

that I am not on prednisone anymore!

I am so, so, so happy to be finished with that. I am grateful for how it helped my poison ivy to stop itching, but ooof, I was struggling with the prednisone insomnia.

And I really disliked the high heart rate I was having too. It felt sort like being anxious all the time, which is no fun.

I hope it’s a nice long time before I ever need prednisone again.

that my Altras are working so great for my shifts

For my clinical shifts, I am required to wear leather white shoes, and even though I got a wide width, those shoes start to make my feet hurt after just a few hours.

My foot-shaped Altras, though? They have me feeling fine even after a 12-hour shift. Yay!

for air-conditioning

Last weekend was crazy hot (and this weekend promises similar temps), so I am feeling super thankful for having air-conditioning in my house.

for my Facebook Marketplace fans

honeywell fan buttons.

The air circulation in my bedroom isn’t great which means it gets sort of stuffy in there even with the door open. But running my floor fan helps a lot.

And of course, the moving air feels good as I sleep.

This is the style I have, and I had good luck finding them on Facebook Marketplace. I have three from there, in fact. 🙂

that I’m all done with training/orientation

I got through all my classes, orientations, and training shifts so now I’m gonna be out there on the floor as an actual independent tech. Woohoo!

This is the first time I’m feeling at all official in a medical role because as a nursing student on clinical shifts, I always feel like I am more of a hindrance than a help on the floor.

As a trained tech, though, I can actually make a dent in the workload on the floor, and that makes me happy.

(Will I still be asking lots of questions during my shifts next week? MOST DEFINITELY.)

for how kind all my co-workers have been to me

I’m working on the floor where I did my med surg clinicals last semester, so I felt pretty comfortable right off the bat, but everyone has been super nice about helping me figure out where things are in my new role.

that I had a successful blood draw

I did a blood draw for the first time yesterday, and thankfully, I got it on the first try. Woohoo!

And I’ve also done a catheter on a real live person now. 😉

that I have some days off now

tired Kristen.

I have clocked 69.5 hours since last Monday and my body is tired. I’m glad to have a little time to recuperate now!

cat on lap.

Chiquita is also happy I’m home; she’s sitting right here as I type this post

for my house

I know I have put this on my thankful list over and over, but man, I love my little rental house. It is so perfect for me in every way. I dig the style, the location, the neighbors…and I love that it is my own space. 🙂

living room rental.

It is the single largest line item in my budget, but it is worth every single penny.

One day, I will buy a house again, and that will be happy in its own way, but I know that this little rancher is going to have a piece of my heart forever, largely because of the fresh start I got here.

What are you thankful for this week?

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