Embracing The Good Life
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Five Frugal Things | yard edition

1. My neighbors and I did some yard cleanup

When I moved into this house two years ago, there was a big pile of tree branches and brush on one side of the parking pad.

And in the time since, I’ve added some to the pile (there are a lotta trees in this yard, and they are always dropping branches and sticks!)

pile of brush.

I have thought about hiring someone to come chip them all up, but of course, that would not be cheap.

Well, when my sweet neighbors Hank and Donna were helping me do some spring yard cleanup a few weeks ago, they offered to help me get rid of that pile, along with one on the other side of my yard.

pile of branches.

Want to see that colorful bit up closer?

pink fungus.Anyway, this past week they came over to help me! So kind.
Kristen in dirty jeans.

They own lots of lawn/trimming equipment, and that helped so much. We all got very dirty. And sweaty.

dirty arm.Kristen with a red face.

Even though I took a cool shower after this, my face was still red for hours!

Here’s the parking pad before.

brush on a parking pad.

And here it is now. I had never seen this part of the parking pad!

cleaned up parking pad.

And now that I’m free of this backlog of fallen wood, I can have a chance of staying on top of the new branches that fall down.

clean parking pad.

(I will definitely be giving my neighbors a thank you gift!)

2. I got some free cheese

I noticed I had points in my Safeway app for a free item, so I chose a package of Swiss cheese (one of my favorite cheeses!) for $0.00.

swiss cheese package.

3. I fixed a pair of shorts

I was folding my laundry yesterday and I noticed the waistband of my trusty Old Navy linen-blend shorts felt weird. And then I noticed the bottom waistband stitching was coming loose in several places.

waistband of shorts that needs mending.

Sooo, I got out my machine and did some quick stitching with black thread.

mended black shorts.

Now we’re back in business!

(These Old Navy shorts are similar to what I have, but mine have a flat front with a drawstring. I’m surprised they swapped that design out for the full elastic waist.)

4. I bought a backup pair of shorts on eBay

As I was writing this post, I was like, “Hmmm, so Old Navy changed the design of my trusty shorts! I’d like another pair of the old style.”

I hopped over to eBay, found a pair of the old design in my size for $10 (with free shipping), and I bought them.

5. I bought a pair of walking shorts on eBay

While I was on eBay, I remembered that I wanted a second pair of walking shorts. I have one pair of Adidas shorts that I bought years ago, and I like the way they fit, so I searched for them on eBay and found a pair for $7.

adidas shorts.

I do not like to go on eBay and randomly search for clothes, but I do like to use it when I already know exactly what I want!

Your turn! What frugal things have you been up to lately?

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