Embracing The Good Life
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Thankful Thursday | Lisey has a kitten!

This week, I am thankful:

that Lisey got a kitten

She’s been wanting to adopt a little friend, but she had a cat-allergic roommate. However, that roommate moved out!

So Lisey went to a cat cafe and adopted a little three-month-old kitten.

She is so cute and Lisey is over the moon happy to have a cat in her apartment.

Lisey and sleepy cat.

And now I am the happy recipient of kitten-filled texts and Facetimes. 😉

that my yellow jacket sting is 95% better

12 days post-sting, I do still have a few itching attacks on that foot, but by and large, the swelling and the itching have subsided.

So, that’s mostly not keeping me up at night anymore.

The poison ivy rash is another story, but we are not gonna discuss that further because this is Thankful Thursday, not Complaining Thursday. 😉

for days of lovely weather

In the last week, we’ve had so many days of sunny, low-humidity weather…I felt positively wealthy.

sky with beautiful clouds.

It’s gonna get hotter shortly (lots of days in the 90s on the way) but I enjoyed the beautiful weather to the fullest.

that I got cleared for my job in time

Training starts on Monday for my student nurse/patient care tech (PCT) position, and this week I got the email that my paperwork/tests/background check stuff were allllll done. Yay!

Given my lack of criminal history and the fact that I do not have a penchant for drug use, I wasn’t worried. But it’s still nice to have all the paperwork done.

Sometimes I feel astounded at all the paperwork that had to happen to get me here.

There was:

  • the paperwork to get restarted at college after a 25-year gap
  • all my pre-nursing school paperwork, plus all the associated health testing
  • a CPR training class and the associated paperwork to get a certificate
  • the paperwork, background check, fingerprinting, and registrations (and visit to the board of nursing!) that had to happen to get my CNA license

That was before I even got started on any job-related paperwork. And this is only for a PCT position, not an R.N. position. Geez.

I guess this is how the paperwork-averse people get weeded out; anyone who makes it through all that might be up for the documentation part of patient care. 😉

that I’m feeling stronger

I’m in week three of doing the workouts assigned by Ben, and I can see a little progress! I’m able to do some more reps, at higher weights, and my lunges are getting way better.

screenshot of workout.

(I know I could have done lunges without Ben, but let’s be honest, I hate lunges and I wasn’t very consistent with them until he assigned ’em to me.)

for all the little (non-aggressive) bugs

I have major beef with yellow jackets, of course. MAJOR BEEF.

And also I’m pretty scared of them now. Ha.

But there are other delightful and interesting bugs that I enjoy seeing on my walks.

bumblebee on flower.

Bumblebees are on my a-ok list.

bee on pink flower.

And these ants are fine too.

ants on flower buds.

for the cats. Always for the cats.

These next two pictures sum up their personalities nicely.


black cat peeking around a door.

Always having an adventure.

cat in fireplace.

that it’s so easy to get to water where I live

Landlocked trails are plentiful, of course, but there are also quite a few that run by rivers and creeks.

waterfall in creek.

And I appreciate that!

reeds on a shoreline.

What are you thankful for this week?

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