Embracing The Good Life
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Toy Storage Solution

Well it’s spring cleaning time again…or almost spring cleaning time, but it’s definitely time to get started.  With a house full of boys (ages 1, 2, & 32) there can be a lot of clutter.  I have learned that unless there is a designated place for everything to go…then everything will go in my kitchen or on the living room floor.  That being said, I have tried to teach my boys that

“everything has a place, and in it’s place is where it belongs”

So back to spring cleaning.  There are many tasks that I would like to tackle but the first of my organizing projects at hand will be the toy bomb that goes off in my living room everyday.

I started with these giant bins (Sterilite 105 Qt./99L)  from Walmart for the boys toys.  I got one for each of them as we are learning about personal property and how to share.  I liked these because

  1. they have lids that easily lock & unlock
  2. they are stackable
  3. they can contain large & small toys
  4. they are see through so the boys can find what they want without dragging everything out

End result…(drum roll please)

This was the best $20 I’ve spent in a long time!!!  After looking at a bunch of very cute and stylish options this was the most affordable and functional way to get all that mess off the floor and organized!  My 2 year old can open his bin by himself and the baby loves to pull up and cruise on his.  This made cleanup time a snap and I can very easily move the bins to another room should we be entertaining a crowd of the older persuasion.  As an added bonus, when my boys need a little separated play time I just move the bins to the center of the room to divide up their play area.


This was just the first project of my spring cleaning/organizing of our home.  It was so wonderful to go through the boys toys and put like things together and toss all of the little bits that don’t work any more.  They seem more content in their play now that they can find what they want and have more room to play.

This was an easy and fulfilling project that has helped to simplify our lifestyle.

Now, on to the next task…

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