Embracing The Good Life
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Sharing Joy in the Simple Moments of Life

Sharing Joy
As I was recalling some fond memories of my boys I was inspired to share my joy…

It’s important to appreciate and to take note of small gestures in life.  It can be so easy to get caught up in the rush of our daily routine that we forget to stop and take note of our daily blessings.  With each passing year Monday becomes Friday and January becomes December.  Some days I feel as though it’s a mad dash from the moment I push back the covers to get out of bed to when I finally pull them back up over the little bellies of my tiny men to tuck them in for the night.

Rushing…fussing…missing what is before your very eyes.

~Live your life Intentionally~

Embrace the change of sharing joy in the simple moments of life!  Don’t let one day bleed into the next without finding some happiness in it whether big or small.  Instead of rushing to get out of bed give yourself that well deserved morning stretch that feels so good and find your joy.  When you find a small spot on your shirt after eating lunch that can easily be washed out be thankful that it isn’t ruined instead of worrying about something no one else can see.  When you’re tired late at night be present with your children as you whisper sleepy stories into their little ears.  Lastly, remember that your happiness begins and ends with you but effects all who surround you.

It is never to late to make changes in your life.  As humans we are ever evolving creatures with a free will to decide what each day will bring.

Bring happiness to yourself.  Find those simple moments in life and give praise.  Share your joy…

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